Metals waste sorting: Now powered by AI

Collaborating with Delft University of Technology we have created the world’s first AI-powered metals waste sorting facility. The Xorter machine sorts
aluminium, e-waste and copper waste by alloy.

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Myne Technology

Did you know the metals industry causes 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions? Metal production requires massive amounts of energy for mining, smelting, and refining. Another reason to make mixed metal waste streams circular and digital is to significantly reduce CO² emissions from metal production.

AI powered aluminium waste sorting factory

The first Xorter is located in The Netherlands and focuses on supplying prescription aluminium alloys from mixed waste streams. There are more than a thousand different aluminium alloys, each with its own application. The Xorter ensures that all types of aluminium can be used and re-used in a high-quality circular manner, without end.

Circular materials

5 steps to circular materials

The Xorter Process – Input to output: from the collection bin to fully recycled metals.

  • Collect waste


    First, we collect mixed post-consumer aluminium waste from over 400 suppliers.

  • Shred and sieve


    Then we reduce the mixed waste into hand sized particles of 5-30cm.

  • Singulate


    The scrap particles are positioned in a line.

  • Scan and send


    Each particle is scanned using AI, X-ray, and laser induces beam sensing (Libs).

  • Sort by alloy


    64 robots are used to sort each particle on recipe and by alloy into a specific compartment/box.

collectshreddersingulate conveyorscanningsorting ejection